Execute Art Not People

Execute art not people

The following pictures of from a project I shot for called Execute Art Not People. The series was curated by Aja Beech. I’ll be hanging the photos at the Ethical Society of Philadelphia.  Friday, June 1st, 2014 in tandem with first Friday

Execute Art Not People

Aja Beech is a freelance author writing about social issues and the arts. In 2010, she was the recipient of a Leeway Art and Change Grant and, in 2011, she was named one of Philadelphia’s Creative Connectors. Her poem, “for you women,” received a nomination for a Pushcart Prize in 2012. Her poetry, short stories, and essays have appeared in Newsworks, Huffington Post, Certain Circuits, Apiary Magazine, The 5-2, Ether Books, and Three Line Poetry. Links to her work appear at processpress.wordpress.com.

Execute Art Not People_Photography by Sean Bolton Philadelphia Photographer_King Britt_14

King Britt is an American DJ and record producer from Philadelphia.

His musical curiosity has paved the way for the artist he is now. From composing house tunes for the legendary Strictly Rhythm and Nervous Records, djing for Sector 6 Grammy Award winning comrades Digable Planets, founded the legendary Ovum Recordings with techno wunderkind, Josh Wink, being tapped to underscore Michael Mannʼs Miami Vice and various commercials, to curating a full day at MoMA PS1 in New York, the list goes on and on.


Execute Art Not People_Photography by Sean Bolton Philadelphia Photographer_Paul Santoleri_10

Supporters came to use their art to speak out against the current laws.

Execute Art Not People_Photography by Sean Bolton Philadelphia Photographer_Natasha Reed_09

Accordingly, the art all has the focus of raising awareness of sentencing laws in Pennsylvania.

Execute Art Not People_Photography by Sean Bolton Philadelphia Photographer_Melissa Stockton Brown and Jennifer Hoch_02

This charity and movement has meetings. Supporters have joined from all types of artists around Pennsylvania.

Execute Art Not People_Photography by Sean Bolton Philadelphia Photographer_Lafayette Kanard Sanders_08

Presently, you can find out more at https://executeartnotpeople.wordpress.com/.

Execute Art Not People_Photography by Sean Bolton Philadelphia Photographer_Kate Watson Wallace_13

Take a moment to sign the petition. Ultimately, we want your help to change the death penalty laws in Pennsylvania. Find out what you can do to make the politicians listen to this important issue.

Execute Art Not People_Photography by Sean Bolton Philadelphia Photographer_Jamie Graham_01

Execute Art Not People_Photography by Sean Bolton Philadelphia Photographer_Iresha Picot_12

Execute Art Not People_Photography by Sean Bolton Philadelphia Photographer_Gianni Lee_04

Execute Art Not People_Photography by Sean Bolton Philadelphia Photographer_Bianca Carasco_07

Execute Art Not People_Photography by Sean Bolton Philadelphia Photographer_Bernadette Dye_03



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